This was in WW 2 in Kent. Wonder if anyone can help with this. I got close a few years back but couldnt quite get there. kent lands spitfire Is there any way I can send the photograph to you for your perusal and comments. Oberfw. Hi Guys I was led to believe that the wreckage was all buried on site so it should still all be there including the engines as the excavation was stopped before anything was removed. Fascinating stuff, this! She says she also recalls seeing what sounds like a dog fight between two small planes (presumably fighters) above Biscot Mill area of Luton around noon one day (she says she woke up her older brother (who was sleeping after working nights) to tell and show him. I went there on my bicycle with a friend a couple of days afterwards. If you have the aircraft werk number that should help identify it. If not, as I say, some further detail as to the approximate date or the year or even the time of year would help, and of course anything further as to the location. to school over the next day or so. Ian. Cannot see anything in Volume 1 either. From hearing the whoosh to impact took just 5 seconds. He did some investigation in later life and received a copy of a letter form a Keith Hiscock at Essex Aviation Group in 1998, which states they had one of the engines and the propeller reduction gear on display given to them by Basildon ATC Squadron. Apparently it already on fire and on impact it cartwheeled so a real mess and not much left after the fire was put out. Had a lovely walk in the Downs. Hi Jez, sorry I have been unable to look at the books I have. The lifeboat went out to the place but no survivors were seen. 1 other I belive was bomber pilot died when plane crashed near Seaford. Taking a route up past Lands End, the aircraft was shot down by Wing Commander E. C. Wolfe (CO of 456 Squadron at RAF Valley) in a Beaufighter and the aircraft dived onto the beach near Pwllheli gof course, 100 yeards below the high water mark. I just wondered does anyone have any information about the plane and possibly a picture? A memorial plaque dedicated to the crew and civilians who died when a World War II aircraft crashed into houses in a Kent town has been unveiled. Does anyone have details of the Heinkel 111 that is the subject of this eye witness account concerning the daylight raid on the north east on 15 August 1940? There was almost nothing left apart from burned bushes just below the roadside. Judging by the empty hop garden and the warm clothing this is either very early in 1940 or I do recall that the weather was warm and sunny on the day of my visit. I have spoken to the daughter of the Revd Chittenden who was Rector here during and after the war, and she remembers something about some German airmen being buried here. Also I think that no deliberate effort should be made to find his remains however if they are found they should be removed and given a proper burial and or a memorial with a service placed on the crash site. - Vintage Photograph 1896253 at the best online prices at eBay! Will reply as soon as poss. I dont recall seeing any markings. A contractor cutting bricks for the wall of the partially-restored wild and natural walled garden at Warley Place, Brentwood. If you know about a wartime American crash site, its location, type of aircraft, or personnel involved please share this information with the American Air Museum. Of the five crew on board, three were killed and two survived, the Flugzeugfhrer (pilot) Stabsfeldwebel Dirk Hfkes and the Bordfunker (wireless op) Unteroffizier Johann Hesek, they baled out and were captured. WebAircraft Crash Sites. Regards. The aeroplane was described as an Me109, but that might be just an embellishment. But this happened in the early hours of Friday 30 July so how many people would have been there to see it, I dont know. Might you please advise me of your email address so that I can forward you a copy of the back and front of the photo. The database has information on over 300,000 sites around the world. ww2 plane crash sites map kent February 25, 2023 Posted by David AP, remember as a lad finding a canopy of either a spitfire or hurricane on spare land between clifton,the irwell and agecroft collery in manchester,never did find out which it was and i think its been dug up C-49j military cargo plane. Do you know what sort of aircraft he was flying? The Heinkel made a perfect, wheels up landing, coming to a stand some fifty yards short of Border House Farm on Bumpers Lane, near the River Dee. By the way, the men digging for the aircraft would also have needed permission from the MoD as well as the land owner. Sorry, I was on annual leave last week so had no access to my books. I clearly recall that the crash site was close to the road at Saddlescombe, facing the deep Devils Dyke valley and the hill beyond. The 2 crew who died are both buried at the German Soldatenfriedhof, Cannock Chase. Looking at a very old ordnance survey map 183 Eastbourne the map reference for the mine would be 718194 -not sure what an up to date map reference number would be though. But, the question remains: if it wasnt from an aircraft, and since there seemed to have been no kind of meaningful activity in that area, how did it come to be there? Sometimes human remains were left (but not buried) at crash sites where the impact caused such trauma that the human remains were hard to identify and were impossible to recover. I sometimes lie awake thinking about this! Heritage Apprentices in a training session on the Researching The Historic Environment module and training in Architectural Photography. I have an entry in a crash diary that says exactly this I note you said you went there on you bicycle and found a few bits of twisted metal. Thank you. Would really appreciate any information or better still a picture of the battery. Hi Ian, yes it was a black day for the Luftwaffe and the civilian population. WebAbove is B-17 Wee Willie going down over Berlin on April 8 1945, just one month before the end of the War in Europe. German ones late war are as expected fewer. I'm not talking about digging big holes or anything, just scratching around with a trowel really. Thanks again. There are many details which do not chime with your family recollection Don Fw Richter was a veteran, having served since 1935 and in various campaigns before the Battle of Britain (France, Poland and he was with the Berlin Police Force before that) and was a flight sergeant, and not a nervous young man by the sounds of it. And then I saw a reference to Bury FC; I used to follow Bury home and away. Serial number of the plane and individual code (B3+?H) is not known, but if parts of it can be found, there is always chance serial might be found on a component or a part plate. This engine part we gave to a museum on Dunkeswell airfield where American Liberators were based.We often looked for souvenirs there and on one occasion took away two stainless steel machine gun belts before we were politely told by an American guard that we should not be there! I suspect you know more than most people. I am interested in the two pilots and the observer that died in the crash. Dear Simon The book is part of a 3 volume set and not too expensive that briefly details all the known wartime crashes in the county as well as some of the V weapon incidents. And then silence . Cheers, Dont know what type of plane it was or if is connected to the aircraft panel you purchased. In Kent, over 600 terrestrial wrecks have been recorded and over 300 offshore. WebCycle Route Wings of Freedom: Crash Site B-17, G-20-BO, W-No. in Gothic script, which I thought was a nice touch. I have read that the battery shot the tail of a Dornier, which crashed not far away in Walderslade. Hes still convinced it was a dornier but not really sure. Jettisoned its bombs but crashed in flames and burned out at Kings Somborne at about 2.15 p.m. The plaque in East Hill, Dartford, remembers the three airmen and three residents who died on 31 July 1941. 374 shot down, more than any other District in Kent Sussex Surrey or Essex. By the way,ironically,the Raleigh factory was never hit but a mansion house on the outskirts of Sneinton (where my Dad and his mates played in the grounds and which had its own petrol pumps!) ww2 plane crash sites map kent. But wonder if the claim to document every Luftwaffe crash in the UK is valid? The fields immediately south of Hampden park are low-lying and there was a system of drainage ditches that we sometime fished in (without success). We used old photos from newspapers to help pinpoint the location of a Luftwaffe crash site on the east coast of Yorkshire last year. I attended Christ Church Junior School, which was housed in a large former private residence near the centre of town. However, the story is that while the Heinkel crashed at Etchingham, the Constabulary report noted that two dead crewmen were pulled from the wreckage, and two parachutes were found in woods at Burwash, one of them badly damaged. Best wishes Helmuts daughter later married. With all best regards. my older sister included and I respect there feelings on this. He, in civvies, is in one of the photos taken when Pat Short brought the body down from the roof. I am trying to find any information on a german plane that crashed on Combe Hill, Berkshire. I am looking for information on the crash of a German Luftwaffe aeroplane in or near Bexley, England sometime during 1941 or later. Even in the 1990s, there is one site on these pages where the pilots body remains at the crash site because it could not be recovered. One was a crash landing at Knowle Farm Mayfield (as mentioned by Simon), Bf109 Wn1394, 09 September 1940. Ive never been able to find photos of the crash site even though it sounds like the wreckage was strewn around. J. Luksch, Uff F Kuttner and Uff Driessen. I remember visiting the he 111 on Cairnsmore of fleet. Much concentrated air fighting with 10 ME109 shot down, plus 6 probables, with further 4 damaged. But you dont know that, so its understandable that you should ask me where I am up to. Many thanks for your helpful reply. Do 17Z-3 (3458) 5K+GN of 5/KG3 shot down by Pilot Officer P.J.T. This aircraft took off from Paris for a raid on Birmingham but was attacked by a Boulton Paul Defiant night fighter over Redhill. Someone had painted the crosses with the names of four German airmen, with rank, serial numbers, etc. Hi Gerald, there was a German bomber which crashed at Poynings Spring, Saddlescombe on the night of 1 June 1941. I have pre-ordered the book and early in February will use that to try to find your aircraft if I havent stumbled across it before then (I will keep looking meanwhile, might find it wIthout the index). In the photos you can see bits of debris hanging from the trees. One was looking for his brother Hans who was later found dead. Have a copy of Luftwaffe crash archive vol 2 if you need more. Appreciate your help. Afraid I have not been able to positively identify a Luftwaffe aircraft crashing at Litlington though there was an airman who was killed near the village in 1941. Anything welcome especially if any photos. But where you are is an area rich in WWII history of course. The fuselage of the Dornier 17 discovered during an English Heritage funded survey of the Goodwin Sands, Kent, it was raised by the RAF Museum in 2013. There was a crash of a Heinkel He111H-5 on the beach a mile and a half SW of Pwllheli on 30 July 1942, that is the nearest one I can see during that two year period. I was just wondering if there was a society or similar who may be interested in this possible untouched site. I can send image of this if you can get me an email address. I see your post Laindon Common was Terrance webster involved in a spitfire collision at Laindon Common Essex ,I know he has a road named after him at Wickford. My mother knew Helmuts future wife Crystal. pacific wwii squadron damage inc I like Nigel Parkers series, have them all. So, I am stuck on where to go with identifying the crew whose graves I saw all those years ago. The stricken plane flew over Alfriston one crew member bailed out over Cradle Hill not Alfriston his parachute failed to open and hence killed, his body retreived at site on Cradle Hill. WebIn Kent, over 600 terrestrial wrecks have been recorded and over 300 offshore. Fatally disabled and with no landing gear deployed the Heinkel and Spitfire passed low over the heads of spectators standing on Salisbury Street, in Shotton, Deeside. Likewise, I used to bicycle to friends in Hammerwood along a long disused driveway to Hammerwood Park (large mansion) and believe I probably rode over the runway of an advanced landing airstrip, with out any knowledge until 45 years later!! This is assuming a seven year-old lad wouldnt be adventuring TOO far from his temporary home! I wonder if I jinxed it by saying we should be able to identify the crewman; as Simon has shown, there are lots of potential contenders. The crash too place at 12.55 on the 2nd of September 1940, On that date Myself and a few friends are going to the crash site to show our respects we will be there at precisely 12.55 and will imagine the horror of that moment, How sad that I was too young back then to be able to locate his family and tell them that My mother was right beside him as he died and cried for their dear Pilot son I often wonder if the pilot saw my mother running out of the way of his stricken plane in his last few moments ! I feel vexed that I didnt make note of those graveyard records at the time. - Vintage Photograph 1467913. It looked like a miniature submarine in size and shape, badly damaged and it seemed to be compartmented. Quite a bit of post WWII evidence now long gone. Dear Simon Thank you so much. Thanks. There is a reference on a mesage board from 2006 which says The remains of Gerhard Ruger were disposed of by local troops and received no formal burial, the burial site being unmarked and unrecorded. Hi can you call me? Of the four bombs that landed in the city itself, all rolled around the streets and never exploded except one: it killed my wifes schoolfriend. Hi John, In the Aug 1976 there was an excavation of the site (by the authors) that identified the aeroplane number #10244 allowing the crew to be identified as Major Wilhelm Schmitter and Uffz. What I am particularly interested in is where their remains were interred prior to being moved to Cannock after WWII. There are also some gruesome ones of the pilot Ernst Hollekamp on the roof of the Aldro/Hillbrow school & being lowered in his parachute by Sub-Officer Pat Short. Also, what places of aviation interest are there to visit in the area? However, on the first page a local historian has recently provided an email address and seems happy to be contacted. I came across all the same potential candidates as Simon did. 21 August 1940: 1./KG54 Junkers Ju 88 A-1. Many Thanks! One of the photos is of a Spitfire on the ground at Kenley and another is of the bombers departing, again parallel to the Seven Sisters. John Vascos books of which I own none of! The German pilot and at least one other member of his crew had been killed by machine gun fire from the Mosquito. The rest of the crew were Lt R Oepen, Uff. watton And Do17Z-3 Wn 3458 was shot down at Wilden Wood, south east of Marden, at 16.30, the crew presumed buried at Staplehurst as three unknown German airmen. Yet Parker provides the names of all 4 crew. I will keep you posted. None facts:- Bomber shot up crashed landed near Seaford. If he also came from a crash many miles away, that might show Chartham accepted burials from some distance away, thus reinforcing (but not proving beyond doubt) the 4 COULD be from Hampshire. Off W.D.Jones. Main thing I know of Croydon was the KLM air disaster. Hi Dave, good to hear from you again. For a decade, Stuart. Maybe they were Navy Kriegsmarine personnel washed ashore? Can anyone identify this crash and help us find more information or records to put on display in the village? Will be in touch, Thanks very much. This street is The 190 impacted in a ditch, not too far from where we lived in Hampden Park (also part of Eastbourne). Fantastic. Hello Gerald, Do you recall the family name of person who collected the piece? Chartham cemetery also contained the grave of A Hoffman, Luftwaffe, killed 15 September, so it was used for Luftwaffe burials, but there was an Alfred Hoffman and also an Andreas Hoffman both killed on 15 September and I dont know which one was in Chartham before Cannock. It seems to be folklore in the area, but no-one has any real detail. I am interested in trying to establish where the picture was taken and if these are KG54 aircraft. Three other crew members all landed safely on fields below Cradle Hill near Rathfinny Farm, plane crashed near Seaford. She rushed back to the hole in the ground to see if there was anything she could do, It was quite obvious that there was nothing that could be done. On my train to London I once counted about 20 pillboxes dotting the countryside and that started it off. Hi Simon, 3 landed safe 1 died on Cradle Hill parachute failed. Id be interested to find out what happened to the pilot. There is no mention of the pilot Oblt Bode being injured in any way however. But please do give me a reminder if you havent heard from me one way or the other by mid-Feb! My nephew now lives in a house 1/4 mile from the site and local stories say a German POW worked at that farmhouse during the war. A Spitfire went down on the 22nd May 1944 south of Glotenham stream and Sealands Wood, north of Park Pale and Mountfield Park. Of the 5 crew, 4 survived including the pilot. In Nottinghamshire Air Crashes (2008) by David Needham, there is only one record of a German aircraft having crashed in Nottinghamshire. Thanks again Ian Im fascinated by all this stuff, and Im right in the centre of where it all happened. mh17 shot down aircraft been airlines history malaysia flight passenger ukraine possibly maxim zmeyev fighters separatist eastern thought photograph over Hoping someone, in particular with local Welsh knowledge, can provide details of the incident and perhaps photographs the aircraft and aircrew. Part of the Alfred Newton and Sons collection. good luck in identifying their final resting places. This was an RAF Wellington and 3 crewmen bailed out and parachuted safely down. He seems to think the crash was at Heath-croft Road Sunbury, by the Post office. Apparently all married men in the unit (KG55) were offered the chance to spend Christmas with their families but the pilot chose to remain in France, meaning his observer (Fw Richter, also married) had to stay as well. F-100F Super Sabre Superior, Arizona April 4, 1960 . As I say, the author claims to list every German aircraft to have crashed so this will be the best bet to identify it, assuming the Wn is recorded. Wondered if it was someone I knew. Ian, Hi do you have any info on a Bf 110 shot down in a field near Tandridge/Godstone Surrey I believe the pilots name was Ruger who was killed. Many thanks. remembered something about the crash of a German aircraft in the area, but nothing more than that. POWs? The aircraft was spread over a wide area as were the crew who were subsequently buried in Bears rd cemetery. Uffz. Just to add to the confusion the lake at Horsmonden was searched some years ago as it was alleged a German bomber crashed into it but nothing was ever found. Platts body was later located at Rathfinny Farm in Cradle Valley at Alfriston., This crash is also referred to in a memoir on the BBC, Another night a Heinkel 111 was heard flying low over the village, then flew on to crash on the hill behind Seaford, near the cemetery. The replies seem to be about a crash at Friston, and I found another referring to a Luftwaffe crash at Seaford Golf Club. [ Via] There was an air crash in Wilford on 12 August 1944. Yours sincerely stuart. Who knows? Two other 17s ditched in the Channel and their crews were picked up by the Kriegsmarine. Hi, I was at Goudhurst earlier today with my father. 361/W/N5532 HE111 30-8-40 17.15 Next Line3/KG53 A1 + JL (J in yellow) Lifstan Way Southend Next Line 2xPOW,bailed out 3xkilled uterofizierPilot- Helmut Gall. Peter Ayerst followed in shortly behind them and his spitfire scored a direct hit to its engines causing the Heinkel to decend rapidly. But, the most interesting thing to me is that it seems highly likely that the four (or was it five) graves I saw in Litlington church yard may have been those of Petersen and crew, prior to their remains being sent to Cannock. It's estimated there are between 500 and 600 crash sites across PNG from World War II, but the locations of many of them remain unknown. The bomber finally levelled off at around twenty feet above the ground, followed relentlessly by Peter Ayerst in his Spitfire. With the use of photography and writing, this work explores the plane crash sites in the New Hampshire White Mountains. And in 1959 a Piper Comanche airplane crashed in a remote area of the 45,000-acre Pemigewasset Wilderness. There was a coastguard cottage on the west bank of Cuckmere Haven and Observer Corps posts to the east on the Downs, overlooking the Channel and the raiders seem to have flown parallel to the Seven Sisters as they made their way to what surely must have been their starting point for the final leg to Kenley, roughly north of Cuckmere Haven. On 22 August 4 unidentified Germans were buried in Chartham cemetery, near Manston, Kent. Read about our current news, projects and campaigns nationally and in your area. I live in the USA these days but my hometown was Eastbourne, which got badly damaged by bombing. My grand father was in the home guard and was apparently first on the scene with his bucket of sand for the ammo. At around twenty feet above the ground, followed relentlessly by peter Ayerst followed in shortly them... The ground, followed relentlessly by peter Ayerst in his Spitfire scored a hit! Something about the crash site on the East coast of Yorkshire last year, over 600 wrecks. Combe Hill, Berkshire for information on over 300,000 sites around the world its! Over 600 terrestrial wrecks have been recorded and over 300 offshore that the battery wild and natural garden! Know of Croydon was the KLM air disaster interested in this possible site. Bomber which crashed at Poynings Spring, Saddlescombe on the Researching the Historic Environment module and in! 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